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Hobson, so cute and

16 Abril 2015, 00:13am

Hobson, so cute and you can buy the patterns to make them yourself, I have to give it a go

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Cute Bunny Girl - pa

16 Abril 2015, 00:12am

Cute Bunny Girl - pattern for similar under julia williams "bunny girl in a dotted dress" on ravelry

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knit are these two p

16 Abril 2015, 00:12am

knit are these two patterns for free please

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267 different knitte

16 Abril 2015, 00:12am

267 different knitted bunnies and other animals! Adorable designs on all the outfits.

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Rabbit and Bear with

16 Abril 2015, 00:08am

Rabbit and Bear with clothes - free pattern by April Cromwell. Scroll down for the pdf. Thanks so xox

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16 Abril 2015, 00:07am


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Cléa Lala Bon, alors

16 Abril 2015, 00:07am

Cléa Lala Bon, alors, le mot choisi en lui-même, je ne me prononce pas ;-) Mais pour le point super stylé, je note !

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15 Abril 2015, 22:05pm

Publicado por Covi

Esto de los nietos tiene su aquél, no vayáis a creer; de pronto, cuando una creía que ya nada en el mundo le iba a cambiar el compás, ese rollo de ser dueña de tu tiempo, de hacer lo que te da la gana, de vivir libre y entregada a tus pensamientos y a...

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Monet's Path in the

14 Abril 2015, 15:11pm

Monet's Path in the French town of Giverny. Beautiful.

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Dans l'atelier de Li

13 Abril 2015, 22:59pm

Dans l'atelier de Lina: broderie au ruban

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